
Todoist Premium users have had the ability to email tasks into Todoist for some time now. Whether you are achieving Inbox Zero, or plan to share ideas with your client through Todoist comments, sending and creating Todoist tasks without leaving the inbox is one of the many perks of having this feature. Todoist develops tools that promote a calmer, more balanced, more fulfilling way to work and live. It is a productivity app that helps millions of people organize life. Todoist keeps track of all tasks, projects, and goals in one simple place. It syncs across all the users devices and integrates with all their favorite apps. For people who need.

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Track and sync your development todos with Todoist, right in VSCode!

Features & Usage

Each command has a global user and workspace scoped version. Todoist 'projects' are analagous to VSCode 'workspaces'.

Whenever you invoke a command, if a Todoist project is not set for your workspace or globally, you will be prompted to choose or create a Todoist project for it.

This VSCode extension adds several commands to the command palette:

Todoist Download

Todoist Capture [Workspace]

Default Keybinding alt+t c.

Pop open an input box to capture a todo for your current project. If you have a text selection made when this is invoked, it will pre-populate the input field with a link to your current file and line number, for easy deep linking from the Todoist desktop app.

Todoist Todos [Workspace]

Default Keybinding alt+t t.

Shows all the incomplete todos in your current Todoist project. Selecting an item will toggle its completeness. Press Esc to dismiss the list.

Todoist Open [Workspace]

Default Keybinding alt+t o.

If you have the Todoist desktop app installed, this will open or switch to the Todoist app and select your current project.

Todoist Capture [Global]

Default Keybinding alt+t C.


Pop open an input box to capture a todo for your global user project. If you have a text selection made when this is invoked, it will pre-populate the input field with a link to your current file and line number, for easy deep linking from the Todoist desktop app.

Todoist Todos [Global]

Default Keybinding alt+t T.

Shows all the incomplete todos in for your global user project. Selecting an item will toggle its completeness. Press Esc to dismiss the list.

Todoist Open [Global]

Default Keybinding alt+t O.

If you have the Todoist desktop app installed, this will open or switch to the Todoist app and select your global user project.

Requirements & Installation

Obviously this requires a Todoist account. To use 'Todoist Open' and take advantage of the deep linking feature, you will also need the Todoist desktop app.

To install this extension, open the command palette and enter:

Finally, set the todoist.apiToken setting to your Todoist API token which can be found here.

You may set todoist.projectId in your user and workspaces settings manually or with the commands above.

Project Goals & Motivation

  • Create a simple and lightweight method of capturing and organizing tasks on a per-project basis.

  • Leverage a well-featured todo app service instead of re-invent the wheel.

  • Todoist is a good candidate for such a service, since you can easily stay in touch with your todos on the go with their mobile apps.

  • Implement a way where the basic features can be used strictly from within VSCode.

Known Issues

I have not yet tested on any platforms other than macOS. Ideas for improvement and patches are welcome!

Track and sync your development todos with Todoist, right in VSCode!

Features & Usage

Each command has a global user and workspace scoped version. Todoist 'projects' are analagous to VSCode 'workspaces'.

Whenever you invoke a command, if a Todoist project is not set for your workspace or globally, you will be prompted to choose or create a Todoist project for it.

This VSCode extension adds several commands to the command palette:

Todoist Capture [Workspace]

Default Keybinding alt+t c.

Pop open an input box to capture a todo for your current project. If you have a text selection made when this is invoked, it will pre-populate the input field with a link to your current file and line number, for easy deep linking from the Todoist desktop app.

Todoist Todos [Workspace]

Default Keybinding alt+t t.

Shows all the incomplete todos in your current Todoist project. Selecting an item will toggle its completeness. Press Esc to dismiss the list.

Todoist Open [Workspace]

Default Keybinding alt+t o.

If you have the Todoist desktop app installed, this will open or switch to the Todoist app and select your current project.

Todoist Capture [Global]

Default Keybinding alt+t C.

Pop open an input box to capture a todo for your global user project. If you have a text selection made when this is invoked, it will pre-populate the input field with a link to your current file and line number, for easy deep linking from the Todoist desktop app.

Todoist Todos [Global]

Default Keybinding alt+t T.


Shows all the incomplete todos in for your global user project. Selecting an item will toggle its completeness. Press Esc to dismiss the list.

Todoist Open [Global]

Default Keybinding alt+t O.

If you have the Todoist desktop app installed, this will open or switch to the Todoist app and select your global user project.

Requirements & Installation

Obviously this requires a Todoist account. To use 'Todoist Open' and take advantage of the deep linking feature, you will also need the Todoist desktop app.

To install this extension, open the command palette and enter:

Finally, set the todoist.apiToken setting to your Todoist API token which can be found here.

You may set todoist.projectId in your user and workspaces settings manually or with the commands above.

Project Goals & Motivation

  • Create a simple and lightweight method of capturing and organizing tasks on a per-project basis.

  • Leverage a well-featured todo app service instead of re-invent the wheel.

  • Todoist is a good candidate for such a service, since you can easily stay in touch with your todos on the go with their mobile apps.

  • Implement a way where the basic features can be used strictly from within VSCode.

Known Issues

I have not yet tested on any platforms other than macOS. Ideas for improvement and patches are welcome!