Elementor Seo

  1. Elementor And Seo
  2. Elementor Seo
  • Hi team,

    I’m really interested in TSF and if it’s what I need I won’t hesitate to purchase it.

    So I’m developing a few WordPress sites using the JNews Theme (link if you’re interested: https://themeforest.net/item/jnews-one-stop-solution-for-web-publishing/20566392 ).

    This theme uses Elementor as the page builder. Now, I also wanted to write posts and articles with Elementor. But I’m not sure if this scenario is a compatible with your plugin! Can you please give me more insight on this? How would I write a post using Elementor (and all the crazy things it allows to create) and then “boost” its SEO using your plugin?

    I’m afraid that Elementor will not produce state of the art HTML and that Google won’t “understand” it for SEO purposes, thus not ranking the article as much as they can. I’m also afraid (since posts created with Elementor would not technically be normal WordPress posts, I guess?) that your plugin won’t be able to process Elementor posts correctly or as efficiently as if they were a normal WordPress post.

    Can you please clarify things for me? And then maybe suggest the best approach in my situation to write SEO-optimized articles?

    Thanks a lot.

This week, we’ll be pooling all of our best On-Page SEO advice, the actual tricks that work best for us, on how to get your pages to appear in the top-most search results. We'll be On-Page SEO Checklist for Elementor - WebRankPros.com. So Elementor does have some effect on SEO because page speed is considered to be one of the ranking factors of Search Engines. So, the page built without Elementor scored a grade of A(91) and took 257 milliseconds to load on an average. While the page built with Elementor scored a grade of B(85) and took 413 milliseconds to load on an average.

Elementor And Seo

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Elementor seo friendlyElementor
  • Hi team,

    I’m really interested in TSF and if it’s what I need I won’t hesitate to purchase it.

    So I’m developing a few WordPress sites using the JNews Theme (link if you’re interested: https://themeforest.net/item/jnews-one-stop-solution-for-web-publishing/20566392 ).

    This theme uses Elementor as the page builder. Now, I also wanted to write posts and articles with Elementor. But I’m not sure if this scenario is a compatible with your plugin! Can you please give me more insight on this? How would I write a post using Elementor (and all the crazy things it allows to create) and then “boost” its SEO using your plugin?

    I’m afraid that Elementor will not produce state of the art HTML and that Google won’t “understand” it for SEO purposes, thus not ranking the article as much as they can. I’m also afraid (since posts created with Elementor would not technically be normal WordPress posts, I guess?) that your plugin won’t be able to process Elementor posts correctly or as efficiently as if they were a normal WordPress post.

    Can you please clarify things for me? And then maybe suggest the best approach in my situation to write SEO-optimized articles?

    Thanks a lot.

Elementor Seo

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