Robert Reich Twitter

Is the average American voter really thinking about all the ways to get back at voters who voted for President Trump?


2 days ago  Robert Reich: Opposition to D.C. Statehood is racist. Robert needs to quit acting so small! 2 days ago  Robert Reich, former U.S. Secretary of Labor, is professor of public policy at the University of California at Berkeley and the author of “The System: Who Rigged It, How We Fix It.” Tags Policy.

  1. Robert Reich Explains America's Inequality Problem In 150 Seconds (VIDEO) Huffington Post, June 19, 2013. Inequality is Real, It's Personal, It's Expensive and It Was Created. Answer Sheet Blog: A New 'Education Declaration' for Genuine School Reform.
  2. 162K views November 23. Here's How to Save the Economy. 117K views November 23. How Mitch McConnell's Republicans are Destroying America. 1M views November 20. Related Pages See All. 5,692,344 Followers.

If any voters in Pennsylvania are reading this: do you really want to elect these people?

Twitter — Adrian Vermeule (@Vermeullarmine) October 18, 2020

Well, it's what certain influential Democrats want, full blown show-trials and purges, same as the communists pioneered. Seems that equality and redistribution, don't really motivate them in the promises of socialism -- purges, show trials, Gulags and re-education camps are what get them going.

And it makes sense. Socialism has failed everywhere it's ever been tried, every time, every place, every place it's ever been practiced, people are poorer, unfreerer and less advanced than in places with capitalism. They've got a 100% record on failure for that. But where they don't have a record of failure is on a reign of terror, where neighbor spies on neighbor for a secret police, thought crimes are punished, mass imprisonment and re-education camps are a way of life, show trials appear where groveling people stand before people's commissars and profess to love what they hate and hate what they love, and the yin and yang of violence to reinforce lies and lies to cover up violence. There are also party purges to keep everyone in a state of fear.

That's what socialists are good at.

And sure enough, that's what Reich is calling for. Reich, it's important to note, is no ordinary crazy leftist. He's President Clinton's former Secretary of Labor and a fixture in Democrat party politics. He's the establishment. He's the mainstream. And Joe Biden, who is being controlled by so many puppetmasters of this ilk. will do as he's told by the likes of Reich. So much for Biden's promise to be the president of 'all the people.' This is what he means by 'all the people.'

This ought to be a campaign issue. Democrats are plotting the worst for their GOP rivals in a bid to control all ideas, all thoughts, every straying question. As Sen. Lindsey Graham once said: 'Boy y'all want power, god I hope you never get it.'

Image credit: Twitter screen shot

University of California-Berkeley professor and former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich proposed the radical idea for a post-election commission to censor speech and name and shame every public figure who supported President Donald Trump’s rise to power.

He wrote on Twitter over the weekend that “when this nightmare” — or Trump’s presidency — “is over, we need a Truth and Reconciliation Commission. It would erase Trump’s lies, comfort those who have been harmed by his hatefulness, and name every official, politician, executive, and media mogul whose greed and cowardice enabled this catastrophe.”

Robert Reich Twitter Minimum Wage

Read plainly, it appears Reich is envisioning a committee that would oversee a massive censorship campaign of things purported to be “lies” by the president and a massive blacklist campaign of Trump supporters. Both of which sound like characteristics of dictatorial transitions of power that occur in third-world countries.

Leftists on Twitter salivate

In response to the tweet, several Twitter followers agreed and even raised the stakes of his proposal.

“I am thinking more of using the postwar Nuremberg Trials as a template,” one Twitter user wrote, speculating that criminal trials should be in order. “Felonies were committed as were treasonous behaviors. The guilty should be arrested, tried, convicted and forced to do time.”

“Prosecute them all,” another said. “The [Justice Department] will hire new attorneys, the media will be fed by the trials, and Biden and his administration can focus on policy and government reform. We are broken and need to be restructured so this can never happen again. Or it’s a lot harder to repeat.”

Another added Supreme Court-packing and the abolition of the Electoral College to the commission’s list of to-dos in order to “ensure that this can never happen again.”

Still another suggested the commission be named the Truth and Consequences Commission and argued that “at the very least, there need to be a lot of people banned from government service for life, including all federal LEO’s who committed crimes or abused authorities because they thought the admin would cover for them.”

Someone else suggested the commission should “review all of the federal judges that have been appointed [by Trump], and kick those out that aren’t qualified.” So much for the president’s constitutional authority to appoint judges.

Professor Robert Reich Twitter

Anything else?

Robert reich elon musk twitter

In a subsequent tweet responding to some Twitter users who rejected his proposal, Reich posted an article that laid out arguments for a truth and reconciliation commission.

“As long as unresolved historic injustices continue to fester in the world, there will be a demand for truth commissions,” the article stated. “The goal of a truth commission … is to hold public hearings to establish the scale and impact of a past injustice, typically involving wide-scale human rights abuses, and make it part of the permanent, unassailable public record.”

Robert Reich Twitter

In the article, the author points to Canada’s recent commission to address “historic injustices perpetrated against Canada’s Indigenous peoples” and South Africa’s commission to address apartheid as models.