
[Mod note: the present is the official forum topic forTextadept

Textadept is a fast, minimalist, and remarkably extensible cross-platform text editor for programmers. (by orbitalquark).

; https://www.portablefreeware.com/?id=3017]
  • Textadept is a fast, minimalist, and remarkably extensible cross-platform text editor.
  • Textadept is a programmable text editor for Linux, Mac OSX and Windows. It is fully extensible using Lua. ConTeXt with Textadept (MS Windows) (updated 2017/12) Step 1: Install Textadept. Download and extract Textadept to a folder of your choice. Use textadept.exe from the extracted folder to start Textadept. Step 2: Tweak Textadept's settings.
  • Lua Workshop 2012 Textadept - Behind the Scenes 5 Syntax Highlighting with LPeg Tokens – Whitespace – Comments – Strings – Etc. Rules Grammars l = lexer - lexer module ws = l.token(l.WHITESPACE, l.space^1).

Based on the Scintilla engine, TextAdept (TA) is a portable programmer's editor quite apart from other offerings, with a right minimal GUI but the promise of infinite configurability/extensibility.
TA is not for the faint of heart regarding messing with configuration files (mostly text with a '.lua' extension) but is truly multi-platform, running in Linux, MacOS and Windows, both on GUI and on their respective CLIs. Might be a tweaker's dream, especially if you speak LUA...
http://foicica.com/textadept/ wrote:Textadept is a fast, minimalist, and ridiculously extensible cross-platform text editor for programmers. Written in a combination of C and Lua and relentlessly optimized for speed and minimalism over the years, Textadept is an ideal editor for programmers who want endless extensibility without sacrificing speed or succumbing to code bloat and featuritis.


See Full List On Github.com

t GUI (customized with the green-mango theme found at the wiki)
Curses version (console, where, for some unbeknownst reason, I was unable to type Capitals...)
TA has its own PAF launcher, TextAdept-Portable (presented at http://foicica.com/lists/textadept_arch ... /0718.html, possible obsolescence discussed at http://foicica.com/lists/textadept_arch ... /1532.html, download page at http://github.com/rgieseke/textadept-portable).
Nevertheless, TA appears to be natively portable via the use of its '-u' command line parameter (but since it expects a full path passed to it -- for info, see the _USERHOME function explanation at http://foicica.com/textadept/api/_G.html#_USERHOME -- I put together a minimal yaP launcher, available at http://pastebin.com/7Wg0iCqV).
Some quick notes to minimize the estrangement one might feel when using TA for the first time: there is no settings, preferences, or configuration dialog -- the closest thing you'll get is the save/load session file menu options; although TA is able to work with multiple documents, it doesn't show tabs for them -- to see its document list (buffers in TA lingo), type CTRL-B; lastly, don't dismiss TA as an arcane entity from the Open Source netherworld -- try it and you'll surely be impressed by how lightning fast it is.
Oh, and TA is able to recognize file types by extension, 'shebang' ('#!/path/to/exe') or any first line pattern. Also, as TA doesn't show any icon in Windows by default, be advised that various graphics are available in its coreimages subfolder, including a 32x32 icon.
Textadept - WikiDownload current version (v6.6) at http://foicica.com/textadept/download.
Textadept is a cross-platform text editor for programmers, extensible through Lua scripting language.
I've used Textadept for a very short period of time but WebUpd8 reader Bruce Ingalls is using it for a while so below he will try to tell you his experience with Textadept.

I program on Mac, Windows & Linux-like systems. It is essential to find a text editor, that I can learn just once, and use on all of them. This editor must also be free/open, to allow the freedom of moving around. Perhaps this is why R. Stallman's first free software was an editor.
I use Vi(m) for quick, small jobs, and Emacs, Eclipse, or Netbeans, if available. Vim & Emacs work well anywhere, but they are not user friendly. I started using Gtk based SciTE, but am disappointed that no native binary is available for Mac OSX.

  • TextAdept does not have pre-built binaries for Solaris, *BSD, Cygwin, or other less popular systems.
  • TextAdept leaves out SciTE's extra visual components, such as tabbed documents, or editing preferences.
  • TextAdept, like SciTE, does not work in a text console, so you'll still want vim, emacs, pico, or nedit.
  • You cannot save preferences, and help is minimal, only on the web.
  • If you already know that Ctrl-space completes a word, then you likely don't need help.
  • Still, there are hidden gems, such as Alt-o, to load the recent file list.
  • Here, I (Andrew) would also like to add that Textadept is a bit difficult to configure as you must go through configuration files if you want to change the font or theme for instance. For info on this, see the Textadept manual page.

  • TextAdept is fast & light! TextAdept alone is only about 1M. (Standard Gtk libs add about 15M)
  • With a single C file, TextAdept compiles easily, once you have the Gtk v2.x development files (*.h headers).
  • TextAdept supports the essentialls of the Gnome HIG Human Interface Guidelines. This means that the keybindings you are familiar with on MS, Mac & Linux will generally work. This includes Ctl-x to cut, Ctl-tab to switch open files, and Ctl-q to quit.
  • Minimal design maximizes screen real estate. Great for netbooks!
  • TextAdept has text editing essentials, with syntax coloring.
  • Everything else, such as code completion, is extended with Lua scripting. Also, TextAdept has a Lua module, that can run most TextMate templates.
  • Available modules include support for Java, Python, Ruby and recent file lists.
  • Lua is an up-and-coming scripting language, powering lighttpd, iphone, and more.

Textadept reviews
  • TextAdept does not have a print menu.
  • TextAdept does not have a lua module to copy file saves via scp, automatically (via scp). I hope that Webupd8 has some expert lua programming readers. How hard is it, to get lua to call a2ps or ssh? This should be reasonable, with an external command.

TextAdept took about half a minute to load my 42M text file of 1.2 million lines, and did so, without crashing. Some other editors warn of crashing, before attempting this.
I've yet to simulate recovery capabilities; `vi -r`, or emacs will prompt to load unsaved changes.
Generally, TextAdept's smart editing, such as automatic indenting works well, because it is kept to a minimum. The only annoyance I've found, is that TextAdept builds matching quotes, prompting 'I've' in this sentence.

Install Textadept in Ubuntu

To make it easier to install under Ubuntu 11.04 and 10.10 (sorry, I couldn't get it to work on Ubuntu 10.04, at least not on 64bit), you can add the WebUpd8 PPA and install Textadept using the following commands:
You can also download Textadept binaries (for Linux, Windows and Mac OS X) as well as the source code via its download page as well as this Github page (packages by Bruce).

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This post was written by WebUpd8 reader Bruce Ingalls.